It’s time again for the N8PUG Food Drive because there is never a time for hunger. We need your help to collect food items. Your donation of non-perishable food items will be accepted at the December club holiday extravaganza – dinner.
There are families that need our help to keep food on their tables. The N8PUG Food Drive can help fill a small part of this need but only with your help. Check your emergency food stocks for items that are nearing their expiration dates. This way you can refresh your food stocks and donate still usable items. Rotation of food stocks is an important aspect of household emergency planning. Please only bring as much as you can spare.

The club food drive was originally organized by late club member James Orlowski, N8PUG (1960 – 2009). Known to every club member as Jim, he was a man of action in preventing hunger in our community. Jim, a man of little means, always donated more food than any other club member. We lost a dear friend in his passing but we honor his memory by helping feed those around us that are in need.
The N8PUG Food Drive benefits Project Starburst through the collection of non-perishable food items. Annually, BRAARC member collect and donate many food items during the club’s annual holiday celebration.
Happy Hamming!