Big Rapids Area Amateur Radio Club

Your Source for Amateur Radio Fun

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440 Antenna Upgrade

440 antenna installed August 2019

440 antenna installed August 2019

The repairs to the 440 repeater are complete as of August 2019.  The Technical Committee of K8OE, WA8AEN and KD8DIB kept their eye on the prize and were able to complete the antenna and coax replacement this summer.  The repeater is working much better now.  Join the nets and hear for yourself.  We are looking for all reports to establish the effective coverage of the new equipment.

Happy Hamming!

440 Free For All



The Technical Committee climbed the 110 feet to the 440 repeater site on Sunday, July 21, 2019 to continue repairs on the 440 antenna system.  However, no good deed goes unpunished.  K8OE, WA8AEN and KD8DIB discovered several problems with the feed line and the antenna.  Water intrusion is suspected due to a damaged cap on the top of the antenna.  The committee will continue to evaluate the components.  The temporary antenna was relocated to a higher location and an additional antenna was placed on the site for future projects.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Happy Hamming

June – July – August Meeting Location and Dates

The meeting location for June through August 2019 will continue to be the Mecosta-Osceola Central Dispatch Conference Room in Paris, Michigan.  The July meeting will be the second Thursday due to the 4th of July Holiday,  No meeting on July 4th.

June 6 – Field Day Logging Software

July 4 – Rescheduled for July 11 due to holiday

July 11 – Ice Cream Social & Fusion Radio  ATTENTION!!  This is the second Thursday of July!!

August 1 – Are you Radio Active?