Welcome to the George Rouman Library
The library is the brain child of W8OWN (SK). George recognized the need to supplement club member amateur radio reference materials. He created a physical library for all club member to share. It contains many ARRL publications and a variety of resource materials in the areas of antenna construction, operating methods, packet radio, emergency communications and much more.
Club members may check out library materials at club meetings and by request.
Club members maintain this tradition by continuing to add a variety of materials and resources to support club members and the amateur radio community. Your donations help the library grow.
Happy Hamming!
Field Day Logging Software – http://n3fjp.com/
DX Engineering YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/DXEngineering/featured
Ham Radio Technician Class and Test Preparation Video Series – Presentation given by the Hurst Amateur Radio Club, W5HRC, for those interested in getting their first Ham Radio License. This is a three-part series.