The BRAARC repeater trustee KD8GGD submitted MARC Technical Data Sheet update information for the three club KB8QOI repeaters. See the Mecosta County repeater directory by clicking here. The Michigan Area Repeater Council coordinates frequency pair assignments for Michigan area repeaters and requires periodic updates to the repeater information by the trustees.
Simply put, coordination is a process used as part of Spectrum Management. Spectrum management is the real, behind-the-scenes job of all coordination organizations. Spectrum management is the act of attempting to achieve the most efficient and effective use of available frequencies allocated for a specific usage. The monetary value of Amateur Radio Service frequency allocations is in the billions of dollars. The importance of maximizing effective usage of our allowed spectrum is becoming more important every year. Powerful commercial interests seek to take more and more of our allocations all the time, and if we do not use our spectrum effectively and efficiently, we will lose it. -R. Bruce Winchell – N8UT, MARC Coordinator, June, 2003
Happy Hamming!